
Universal Acoustic Solutions is the exclusive distributor of dBcover acoustic materials for the Western Balkans, Croatia and Slovenia. dBcover is a company engaged in the design, development and production of various acoustic solutions for sound absorption, sound insulation, impact sound and vibrations. The company was founded in 2006 and has headquarters in Spain, Germany, Brazil and Canada. With more than 500 clients in 23 different countries, dBcover has implemented its acoustic solutions in more than 12,000 public spaces.

dBcover anti-vibration solutions are used in the following applications:
RAF (Raised Access floor) and FP (Floating floors) for different floor systems,
PAD (Machinery damper) for different types of machines,
FD (Foundations) for foundations of different building objects and
RW (Railway) for railway traffic.
All dBcover anti-vibration solutions are based on the dBbalance AV, which is high performance microcellular polymer based elastomeric material.  

Explore the different anti-vibration solutions from the dBcover range below.

Universal Acoustic Solutions is at your disposal regarding the selection of the appropriate products, the calculation of the amount of materials needed to achieve the appropriate acoustic comfort, and all other technical details.
Feel free to contact us via the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Raised Access floor (RAF)

Raised access flooring (RAF) was created in response to the need to hide large volumes of cables, pipework, tubing, etc. that are typically found in offices, technical rooms, and other locations. The installation of a raised floor creates a space under the floor where all these services, including equipment and room cooling systems, can be neatly housed and hidden away. If sources of impact sound and vibrations are expected on such floors, it is necessary to introduce an appropriate acoustic damping into the entire system i.e., in all joints with the surrounding constructions. For this purpose, the dBbalance solution is used, i.e. a material that has the ability to absorb impact energy and introduce vibration damping in a wide range of load-frequency combinations.
For more details
 feel free to explore the catalog by clicking the “Download Catalog” button located below this section or contact us via the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Floating floors (FP)

dBcover anti-vibration solutions for floating floors are used for two different floor types: wooden floors and floating screed. In both cases, dBbalance AV solution is used in combination with dBimpact UL, dBsonic HM-3D or dBsonic SP (see photos below). For more details and selection of the right anti-vibration solution feel free to explore the catalog by clicking the “Download Catalog” button located below this section or contact us via the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Machinery damper (PAD)

One of the most common areas of application of anti-vibration solutions are industrial applications, i.e. presence of various machines that generate high vibration levels. Such vibrations spread undisturbed through common constructions to neighboring spaces and can lead to a significant deterioration of acoustic comfort. dBcover offers different anti-vibrations solutions of machinery dampers, depending on their loads and frequency content of generated vibrations. For more details and selection of the right anti-vibration solution feel free to explore the catalog by clicking the “Download Catalog” button located below this section or contact us via the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Foundations (FD)

Constructions objects in a vicinity of e.g., railways are vulnerable to vibrations excited by trains passing by.  In some case, vibration isolation of foundations is the most effective solution. dBcover offers anti-vibration solutions in those cases. For more details and selection of the right anti-vibration solution feel free to explore the catalog by clicking the “Download Catalog” button located below this section or contact us via the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Railway (RW)

Anti-vibration solutions for railways can be introduced in different parts of the railway system (see images below). dBcover offers anti-vibration solutions in those cases. For more details feel free to explore the catalog by clicking the “Download Catalog” button located below this section or contact us via the contact form at the bottom of the page.

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